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Why India

Key Growth Drivers

  • 8.7% GDP growth in 2021-22.
  • Supportive Policy & Regulatory Environment.
  • Young & Diverse Market.
  • USD 6 trillion domestic consumption by 2030.

The Sunrise Sector Food Processing

  • 1st in Dairy production and 2nd in Horticulture crops globally.
  • AAGR of 8.3% in the last five years.
  • 12.2% of the total workforce in the registered manufacturing sector.
  • Over USD 6 Bn worth of FDI in Food Processing Sector since 2014-15.
  • Processed Food contributed 22.6% share of agri-food exports in 2021-22.
  • 23 Operational Mega Food Parks, 271 Integrated Cold Chains, 47 Backward- Forward Linkage projects, 140 Food Testing labs.

Indian economy has seen tremendous growth over the last decade. Currently India is the 5th largest economy in the world with a size of US $3.5 Tn. The Food Processing sector has been a large contributor to this growth. In 2021-22 alone the food processing industry recorded exports worth US $10.42 Bn. A favourable policy and regulatory environment has bolstered a substantial growth in the industry. 100% FDI through automatic route for Food Processing Industries and 100% FDI through government-approval route for retail trading, including through e-commerce have been key drivers for the sector.

Registration Process

Business Reforms

This resilient growth of the economy has been made possible by a wide variety of business reforms adopted by the Government of India over the past few years. This includes a broad spectrum of enabling policies ranging from tax reforms, fiscal incentives, export support, logistics infrastructure development, digital & banking support, ease of doing business reforms etc. The business environment in the country has evolved to be one of the best in the region. Some of the major reforms adopted are as illustrated below:

Fast-Growing World-Class Infrastructure Facilities

India hosts one of the fastest growing networks of infrastructure in Asia, including rail network, airports, ports, highways & industrial corridors connecting all parts of the country with the world. Some key statistics related to infrastructure capacity in India is listed below:


#1 Rail Network in Asia (with 1,28,305 kms of railway tracks).

3.5+ Bn Passengers & 1.4+ Bn tonnes of freight carried annually.

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#2 Road network globally(with 63,71,847 kms of road network).

37 Km of roads constructed daily, highest recorded historically.

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More than 3 Mn MT of cargo handled in 2022.

123+ Mn domestic & 43+ Mn international passengers serviced annually.

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1500+ MMTPA handling capacity.

200+ Major & minor ports well connected with road and railway lines.

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Integration With Global Economy

Over the last decade, India has positioned itself to seamlessly integrate with global economy through concentrated efforts of opening up economy, signing of pragmatic trade agreements, easing of FDI regulations, structuring of global value chains, forming regional & economic alliances with trading partners, and hosting of international summits (G20, International Solar Alliance etc.) Key factors that promotes India’s integration with global economy is as given below:
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